Saturday, February 7, 2009

Week 15 visit

...Was very short, actually. Check for UTIs, check the weight (I've gained back the four pounds I lost), check the heartbeat again, discuss testing, schedule the ultrasound (March 10), out the door. I was particularly glad to hear the heartbeat again--it was much easier to find this time, even if L.E.O. did swim away in the middle of the doctor trying to count it--because I'd woken up the day before having slept through the night and not having a bursting urge to run to the toilet. I immediately concluded something was wrong. I almost as immediately concluded that was stupid, but I couldn't shake the worry all day so it was nice to get confirmation that I was being stupid. (Eric said, "Everything's fine. You're neurotically obsessed with something that makes no sense. That sounds like pregnant to me.") It appears just to be a blessing of the second trimester, along with an increased appetite and energy level (sadly for Eric, as this means we're going to start working on household projects with vigor).

I also checked with Dr. Mason on why she only uses Toledo Hospital, and she says essentially because it's a large practice: they used to have privileges at several local hospitals and would have to send people out to four different hospitals six times a night, and it got to be too much, so they decided to reduce to one. She says she can give me a referral to another doctor if I decide to use a different hospital, which helps. We're going to visit the three hospitals of interest (they all offer free tours) and make our decision based on that.

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