Wednesday, February 11, 2009


We don't have much baby gear at this stage (I can count what we have on one hand, in fact: sample formula from the doctor, sample pacifier from same, a poster, and a baby blanket Courtney made me about a year ago) but we are--or rather, I am--already equipped with what will probably be L.E.O.'s most beloved gadget. This is the R.I.N.D.S.: The Redundant Infant Nutrition Delivery System.

I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

The R.I.N.D.S. was concerning me up until recently, since it's supposed to have started internal reconfigurations which should have resulted in some outward changes, and it didn't seem to have done so. (Except for the promised color changes. It's really very interesting, since it doesn't look like a color change so much as like someone just kind of splashed some excess pigment over the top of the existing paint job.) However, Eric pointed out a few days ago that the R.I.N.D.S. was indeed increasing its capacity, if slowly. Which was reassuring, except that now I have to think about buying new, er, support rigs. And I hate buying support rigs. And I suppose I'll have to keep doing it as the R.I.N.D.S. continues to grow. I guess it'll get me in training for those endless rounds of ever-bigger Evil Overlord armor that L.E.O. will inevitably need us to buy.


Ernie said...

Your mother would not wear a t-shirt with the word Baby on it with an arrow pointing downward, and now we are talking color......

Unknown said...

Oops. Too graphic? I was trying not to be too specific.

Carol said...

There is a place here in A2 that sells special post-partum support rigs - they share an office with the Center for the Childbearing Year so you can get info by googling them. You won't need to shop there for a while--I'm making my first visit any day now and will return for more in March! I mention it because it is NOT EASY to find a place with quality post-partum support rigs that you can get fitted. Hallelujah.

Unknown said...

Ooh, that's good to know.